Float-Yellow Cab Partnership for Safer & Cheaper Travel in San Francisco

Float-Yellow Cab Partnership for Safer & Cheaper Travel in San Francisco

  • Chelsea Smith
  • Post category:Travel App
  • Post comments:1 Comment

The pandemic hit the United States hard, disrupting business as usual and causing major bustling cities across the country, to come to a screaming halt. On top of shelter in place orders turning life as we know it upside down, the state of California issued a lawsuit against popular app-based ride-hailing services Uber and Lyft who, should the lawsuit go through, are threatening to pull out of the state if they’re required to classify their drivers as employees. How will we ever get back to traveling around our city like we did before the pandemic? Well, the short answer is that we won’t. The local transport landscape is changing with the introduction of new technology that gives control back to the passenger, helping passengers make more informed mobility choices.

Enter the Float Mobility and Yellow Cab San Francisco Partnership. 

Yellow Cab is the operator of the largest taxicab fleet in the Bay Area and in light of the concerns around COVID-19, they have made safety for their drivers and passengers the top priority. Combine this with Float’s capabilities to empower travelers to make smarter travel decisions and Californian’s can breathe a sigh of relief that there is a safe and easy way to get around town. Whether a passenger is looking for speed, cost, or health and safety precautions, the partnership will make it possible for users to determine the best option for getting from point A to point B, and also provide a variety of travel options, regardless of the uncertain future of California’s rideshare economy.

“The pandemic has caused a huge shakeup in how people get around,” said Float CEO and founder Stew Langille. “This is a transformative time for mobility when people’s travel habits are changing dramatically, and there will be lasting effects on post-COVID travel. Yellow Cab is a leader in health and safety, and this partnership will bolster our efforts to help urban travelers navigate the changing transportation landscape.”

Public transport is no longer an attractive way to travel around the city, given the high risk of exposure to the coronavirus. ScienceDirect research shows 86% of people view personal vehicles are associated with the lowest risk of exposure, followed by biking with private bicycles and walking “which shows the notable role of active transportation and micro-mobility during the pandemics in preventing the users of transit, taxi, and ride-hailing services from switching to personal vehicles.” But what if you don’t own a car?

Travel Smart. Save Money

Float helps you get from A to B faster, cheaper, and safer

As the first mobile app offering insight into the cost, safety, and sustainability of trips, Float allows for real-time price comparison across all mobility options, from dockless scooters to rideshares and taxis. Its AI platform learns the user’s typical routes and suggests alternative mobility options to help avoid surge pricing, travel more sustainably, and stick to a monthly transportation budget set by the user. By booking through the Float app, users also earn points towards cash rewards and vouchers. The partnership with Yellow Cab is the latest addition to Float’s mobility capabilities.

“We’ve seen demand for service recover significantly since the beginning of COVID-related lockdowns in San Francisco,” added Chris Sweis, CEO of Yellow Cab. “Float is a one-stop-shop for conscious travelers, and with the concept of mobility as a service gaining popularity, this partnership enables us to focus on continuing to bring excellent service to San Francisco.”

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Yellow Cab rolled out several safety protocols for drivers and passengers, requiring face masks, regular sanitation of high-touch services, and custom-fitted vinyl partitions to create a seal between drivers and passengers.

While the world might be all doom and gloom right now, there are innovators who want to seize this opportunity to improve the ‘new normal’ we find ourselves being catapulted towards. Identifying the things that weren’t so great in the ‘old normal’, and finding new and creative ways to create a better future. Float and Yellow Cab are here to switch things up and put the passenger in the driver’s seat for a change, to increase accessibility and personal choices when it comes to transportation. 

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Nancy

    Awesome, the more information, the increased options and the better decisions

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