E-bikes vs Regular Bikes – Compare Pros & Cons

E-bikes vs Regular Bikes – Compare Pros & Cons


If you are in the market for a bike and are wanting to explore a new safe way to travel around your city then its best to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of both the e-bike and a regular bike. The cliche on whether an e-bike is a lazy version of riding a regular bike may not quite be accurate. Both bikes create a safe way and greener way to travel around your city during a pandemic when most people are avoiding public transport. The Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives showed that many people who chose to ride e-bikes were riding for longer distances over regular bike riders and busting the stereotype that e-bike riders take the easy way out.

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Advantages of an e-bike

  1. Low Cost and Low Emissions – E-bikes offer a low-cost, energy-efficient, and emission-free transportation to riders. 
  2. Easily Rechargeable Batteries – They contain rechargeable batteries that allow riders to travel up to 25-45km/h which is much faster than most people would normally cycle allowing you to get to your destination quicker and with less effort. 
  3. New Technology – Many e-bikes provide specific boosting technology that can assist you when going uphill or on challenging terrain so people of all ages and health can ride easily. The style of an e-bike can also range from a 2 wheeler to even a four-wheeler.
  4. Pedal Assist – An e-bike contains a battery-powered ‘pedal assist’ which gives people a peddling boost reducing stress saying goodbye to a sweaty ride. 
  5. Share Factor – An e-bike is also able to be shared amongst a group of people or family members if you are wanting to split the cost. It can be used for commuting, performing chores around the city, or even just tracking a stroll around the neighborhood. 

Disadvantages of an e-bike

  1. High Cost – e-bikes are a lot more expensive than a regular bike and this comes down to the battery, battery charger, motor controller, and other components. Rechargeable batteries will deteriorate over time but a good quality lithium battery should last around 1000 charges before it will need to be replaced again. Nickel and Lead batteries will last a lot less. Many countries have tried to combat the price of e-bikes with subsidies being put in place to reduce the purchase price. You can find out more about that from our article here. 
  2. Limited Battery Life – The actual distance you can ride on a single charge will vary depending on the size of your battery, how much you pedal and the terrain you are riding on. The maximum distance is around 190km. Similarly depending on the type of e-bike you purchase, charging can take between 2-6 hours from a completely empty battery to completely full. The first 3 charges of a new electric bike also needs a full 10 hours of charge to bring the battery to its full potential capacity. 

Advantages of a regular bike 

  1. Fitness – Riding a bike will improve your overall fitness level. Cycling requires the use of your heart, blood vessels and lungs which will continually improve your health over time. 
  2. Strengthen your immune system – Cycling makes immune cells more active which helps reduce the chance of catching a common cold or flu. Given the current pandemic – now may be a better time more than ever to take up cycling to increase your immune system. According to the British Heart Foundation, cycling just 20 miles a week will reduce your risk of heart disease to less than half of those who don’t exercise at all.
  3. Boosting your brain power – Researchers from the University of Illinois found that a 5 percent improvement in cardio-respiratory fitness from cycling led to an improvement of up to 15 percent in mental tests. 
  4. pedal assist – A study was also carried out at the University of Bristol which found that cycling reduces stress at work and motivation is generally increased from cycling to work. 
  5. Save the planet – Riding a regular bike is also a good way to help save the planet and reduce the earth’s carbon emissions. According to Bike Radar, it takes only 5 percent of the materials and energy used to make a car to build a bike and produces zero pollution. 

Disadvantages of a regular bike

  1. Distance  – Regular bikes require more energy to move and therefore people often cannot travel as far for as long as they would like. If you are wanting to commute to and from work with a regular bike, it may pay to check there is a shower you can use at the office or bring a change of clothes in case you get sweaty on the journey. 
  2. Hills – Cycling increases fitness and health overtime but if you think it will be difficult for you to ride uphill or across different types of terrain you will need to know how to change gears effectively, work the brakes properly and keep it in good repair by always making sure the tires are pumped up. 

Both e-bikes and regular bikes come with great benefits, so deciding between the two can be tricky. Depending on your needs and what you are wanting a bike for, it is important to look at the main differences between the two which are the cost of purchase and the technical differences. Cycling comes with multiple benefits that enhance your quality of life. As long as you do your research, read owner reviews, and find a good, high-quality electric or regular bike from a reputable company – you will get many years of enjoyment from your bike.

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