Where Can I Find An Electric Scooter Rental Near Me?

Where Can I Find An Electric Scooter Rental Near Me?


From San Francisco to Singapore, electric scooter rental is becoming an increasingly popular way to navigate major cities of the world. Electric scooters are fun, easy to operate, and, most importantly, help reduce traffic congestions and CO2 emissions. 

Where Can I Find An Electric Scooter Rental?

Electric scooters first gained popularity in China where dockless, park-anywhere bikes are a huge trend. Today, several companies have jumped on the electric scooter rental trend with the most popular being: Bird, Lime, and Spin. Renting an electric scooter from any of these companies goes for between $1 to 15 cents per minute. To rent a scooter, all you need do is log into the rental app, scan for scooters near you and hop on one. After your ride, you park anywhere where it awaits a rider to begin a new trip. 

In addition to the Bird, Lime, and Spin applications, the Float app from float.sg helps you find electric scooters near you and save money on travel. Float.sg monitors your travel and makes transportation recommendations based on your personality and how you prefer to move around. These recommendations are personalized, and the more Float learns about you, the better it matches you with the right mobility options, including electric scooters. 

In selecting an electric scooter rental, there are some things you should consider, some of which are: 


Except if otherwise stated by the scooter rental service, it’s crucial you have your safety gear handy. The excitement of riding on an electric scooter should never eclipse the need for safety. 

You should have a helmet handy, and before you commence any trip, you should check to ensure the breaks on the electronic scooter are working as they should. Also, when on the road, follow all traffic rules such as observing for stop signs and one-way streets. Finally, keep both hands on the handlebars at all times unless signaling to indicate an upcoming turn. 


You would also need to consider where you would be riding the scooter – on off-road trails, campus, or in a residential neighborhood? Scooters run between 8-25kmph, and some factors influence range ratings for scooters (terrain, rider’s weight, and tire pressure), information which the e-scooter rental company should be able to help with. Usually, the manufacturer will list a “range rating,” which reflects how far the scooter will go under optimal conditions. 


The speed in which your scooter runs might not seem like a serious thing to consider until you’re sitting on your scooter watching joggers go past you. Scooters run between 8-25kmph, although some go faster than that. You will need to ascertain from your e-scooter rental company how fast their scooters run. Although generally, the manufacturer’s rating would determine the scooter’s speed. 

In conclusion, finding an electric scooter is as easy an app that hosts e-scooters near you. You should consider getting one that also helps you manage your travel budget, just like the Float app. Scooter rental apps run on pretty much the same system, so you should have no issues finding a scooter from an electronic scooter rental. 

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