
City Riders Experience Safety Concerns On E-Scooters

Vinayak Gunjal - November 9, 2019 1

Just walk down any city street and you'll see how electric scooters have transformed the urban landscape. It wasn't that long ago that most city dwellers had never seen an electric scooter let alone ridden one. Now they are everywhere. But, while they seem like a good way to get around the city, the

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How to Spend Less, Wisely

Alexandra Pacurar - June 3, 2020

Learn how to better manage your finances and make smarter decisions for a better, easier life. Float, an independent platform, has made it its mission to give its users all the information that they need to care for their wallet without sacrificing their lifestyle. People around the world are not

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How Does Bikesharing Work?

Alexandra Pacurar - November 1, 2019 1

Bikesharing systems are offered through private companies such as Lime, Mobike, JUMP Bikes (hi there, Uber) or Ofo. The offering really depends on where you are in the world. Municipalities (New York City, Barcelona etc.) and universities (University of Worcester in the U.K., University of Colorado

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Carpooling's History Contains More U-Turns Than You'd Think

Freya Sawbridge - November 11, 2020 1

Carpooling is not a new concept. It has been around for over a century but its popularity waxed and waned depending on society’s mentality, government initiatives and economic issues of the time. But how did ridesharing first start? What impact did the world wars have on it? And do people use it tod

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Carpooling’s Comeback: is Sharing Rides the Way Forward?

Freya Sawbridge - November 18, 2020 1

In 1960 Bob Dylan carpooled from Minnesota to New York and in 1964 Jim Morrison from Florida to LA. Art Garfunkel sometimes rejected chartered plane flights and carpooled his way to gigs. Back then, people used the traditional thumb-out-on-the-side-of-the-road tactic but now, with Wi-Fi access and t

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What are the options for bicycle rental in Singapore?

Vinayak Gunjal - May 17, 2020

In Singapore, where far fewer cars are on the streets than in other major metros and those that are are locked in gridlock, bicycle rental has really taken off. While all of the options share the general benefits of bicycle rental (ie: they are healthier, affordable, and a great way to beat traffic)

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